Reiki for Animals

Reiki can help animals in a number of circumstances for example: rehoming, illness, receiving treatment, behavioural problems... or just because you love them and you want to make sure they know it! Reiki for Animals. Animal Healing. Surrey

Giving healing to animals is incredibly rewarding and often profound. I genuinely feel honoured each time I share Reiki with animals because they are such inspiring recipients.

I am an experienced horsewoman and work extensively with horses, as well as with dogs, cats, rabbits and most small companion animals. 

You may want your animal to receive healing because they are unwell or currently receiving treatment for an illness. Perhaps you would like to give them healing yourself simply to deepen the connection and strengthen the bond that you share. You will find that once your animal has become used to the sensation of the healing energy, they may become quite a regular customer!

My experience: As a young girl, I lived on our family farm in South Africa. I would typically spend my time galloping across the fields with my best friend Stiga, a little black pony who was bolshie, cheeky, utterly lovable and trustworthy. He taught me how to ride bareback, with no bridle or halter in a massive field, using only my legs, body and voice - thereby experiencing the perfect communion between horse and human.

I feel extremely blessed to have had the childhood I did, as it gave me the opportunity to enhance my connection with animals in a most natural and unimpeded way. It is this connection that I link into when I am working with animals, both for healing and communication, and which brings depth and integrity to my work. Trust, openness, humility and honesty are required of us if we are to understand the beauty and simplicity of an animal’s heart. I am grateful to have learnt this valuable lesson from the many wonderful animals with whom I have shared my life, and still do.

It is my dream to bring people and their animals closer and I honour those who love their animals so much that they take the steps towards enhancing and deepening their relationship. It is my sincere desire to be of assistance to you and your animal in any way I can. animal healing surrey3


If you are interested in learning more about booking a healing treatment for your animals, or learning more about how to give Reiki to animals, please contact me for further information.

Please gain consent from your Vet before your animal receives Reiki, most especially if you may have concerns regarding their health. You can do so by simply calling them and informing them that you are seeking this path of treatment in addition to their veterinary care. 

Reiki is not intended to replace or act as an alternative to conventional treatments given by a Vet. It is complementary to traditional veterinary medicine and works well alongside it. The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 (amended 1996) prohibits anyone other than a Veterinary Surgeon to diagnose ailments and giving of advice on such diagnosis. The Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a Veterinary Surgeon then the owner must obtain this.

The healing of animals by contact healing, by the laying on of hands or distant healing is legal. To give emergency first aid to animals for the purpose of saving life or relieving pain is permissible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1996.



The ability to communicate with animals is innate in all of us and anyone with a true love of animals can easily practice this ability to enhance their relationship with their animal companions.

Animal communication is a completely grounded practice and is not as 'airy fairy' as it may sound. Animal communication the interpretation of feelings that one shares with an animal. Every thought produces an associated emotion and it is this feeling that an animal communicator is trained to pick up on and interpret.

Animal Communication can be particularly helpful when nothing else seems to have helped. It gives us the opportunity to 'hear it from the horse's mouth' - quite literally!

As with Reiki treatments, I will require that you confirm that your animal is under the care of a Veterinary Surgeon.



"Becky has been experiencing a remarkable healing since her contact with Sue. She has recently been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on her shoulder which was painful and getting large but since her healing the tumor has visibily reduced and she is now not in pain. Sue has a powerful ability to be able to intuitively know what my dog needs and her healing response is all the evidence we need to know that working with Sue creates miracles in action. Sue has a kind and loving energy that makes you feel peaceful and looked after. I highly recommend Sue who is here on mother earth to live her life purpose as an animal healer. Thank you Sue."
Gina Hardy